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 Lack of milk.

Lack of milk can exist even very early after childbirth, however it is eliminated. However, this should not be achieved by means that are often resorted to; because it is customary two or three weeks after birth, if the supply of food to the infant is scarce, to consume the barley liquid to increase it. This proves to be harmful to the mother’s Constitution: but how then can this deficiency be cured? Let the nurse stay healthy, and she has won this point. The milk, in quantity and quality, will be as abundant, nutritious, and good as an individual can produce.

I would like to recommend a simple, generous, and nutritious diet; not a specific dietary description, but, as is natural, a healthy, mixed, animal and vegetarian diet, with or without wine or malt drink, according to ancient custom; and sometimes, where a malt drink has not been consumed before, half a liter of good health beer can be consumed daily with an advantage, if it suits the stomach. Regular exercise in the fresh air is important because it has an extraordinary effect on promoting healthy milk secretion. Early after When leaving the sleeping compartment, it is preferable to practice transport, where it can be reached, to be replaced, in a week, for horse exercise or daily walks. A lukewarm or cool bath with salt water should be used every morning; but if it is unbearable, then the body should be replaced with salt water.

By adopting the previous plan, we will get a breast of milk in as abundant quantity and good quality as the parent’s Constitution can produce, as the following case proves:

I helped a twenty-four-year-old lady, a sensitive but healthy woman, with her first birth. The work was good. Everything went well during the first week, except that although the breasts were getting bigger and promised good nutrition for the baby, there was little oozing from The nipple. Over the next two weeks, a slight, but very gradual increase in the amount occurred, so that a dessert spoon was taken only in the middle of this period, and maybe twice as much when it expired. During this time, the child was fed an artificial diet, as a result, his intestines were disturbed and severe diarrhea followed.

For three or four days, it was a question of whether the little one would live. He had dropped so low because of the loosening of the intestines that he did not have the strength to grasp his nurse’s nipple. Therefore, milk was forced to be drawn, and the baby was fed with it with a spoon. A few days later, however, he could get breast milk for himself; and to make a long story short, during the same month, the mother, and the baby returned home, and the first had a very good percentage of healthy milk in her breast, and the baby recovered and quickly blossomed.

However, when there is an early shortage of food supply, by the sixth or seventh month, the needs of the infant will be greater than the mother can meet. The deficiency should be compensated for by artificial food, which should be such that it is used before the sixth month, and given by bottle.

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