Why is he moaning?
It’s annoying, frustrating, and gets on your nerves. Although this is annoying and unacceptable, it is an effective way for your child to attract your attention. She is whining. But, like other bad habits, you can nip them in the bud early with a few simple strategies to teach your child that there are other suitable and effective forms of communication with you.
First, try to minimize the situations that lead to it. Avoid extra charges when children are hungry. Don’t let them get involved in a frustrating game or project before bed. Pay attention when your child is talking, because sometimes whining is a child’s feeling of complete inattention. Praise them for not whining and not speaking in a natural, understandable voice that allows you to fully understand what they are saying to you.
If he complains, don’t overreact. Make your answer simple, calm, and neutral. Ask your child to repeat the request in a normal tone. When surrender seems inevitable, do not delay. If you had to finish buying groceries so that you could put dinner on the table, for example, and the child began to complain about a snack, immediately offer him something healthy.
Once a limit is set, parents should follow it. It is necessary that both parents respect this limit and strictly follow the rule of complaint when it is violated.
If you have an older child who usually develops whining, suggest that he find a solution to a perceived boredom or other expressed problem. If you suggest possible alternatives, this may prolong the baby’s whining.
Sometimes a complaint is the cause of trauma or problems in their life. The reason can be a divorce, a serious family illness, or problems at school. Additional positive attention and a good one-on-one meeting can be the medicine that your child needs at such a time. The pediatrician may also suggest alternatives to reduce the complaint if positive attention and disciplinary measures are ineffective.
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