The appearance of milk teeth.
The first teeth, or milk teeth, twenty years old, appear in pairs, the teeth of the lower jaw precede the appearance of the teeth of the upper jaw. The first milk teeth are cut in the sixth or seventh month, and the last milk teeth in different periods from the Twentieth to the thirtieth month. Thus, the entire period occupied by the first teeth can be estimated from one and a half to two years. However, the process differs for different individuals, both in terms of the total duration and in terms of periods and the order of appearance of teeth. However, it is not important to say more about this point.
Their development is a natural process. Yet, it is challenging and uncomfortable because of mishaps in diet management and infant health, both before the eruption of teeth and during the procedure.
Thus, because of poor management, it became the most significant period in childhood. It’s not that I think the extent of deaths that can be traced to some extent there by any means is as great as has been said; because it is estimated at one-sixth of all the children who have undergone it. However, no one doubts that the first teething is often a period of great danger for an infant. Therefore, it becomes a very significant question for an anxious and caring mother, to know How can the risks and difficulties of teething be reduced to any degree, or, if possible, avoided. So some tips on this can be useful. I will think, 1 — management of the infant, when teething is done without difficulty; 2-management of the infant when it is taken care of with difficulty.
Caring for an infant during teething is carried out without difficulty. ------------------------------------------------------------
In a child of a healthy constitution, who was, naturally, fed only with his mother’s milk, the symptoms accompanying teething will be lighter, and caring for the infant from the simplest and easiest.
Symptoms: - Symptoms of normal teething (which can be called) are an increase in the outflow of saliva, swelling, and heat of the gums, and sometimes redness of the cheeks. The child often puts his fingers, or any object at hand, in his mouth. His thirst increases. He takes the breast more frequently, however, from the state of thin gums, for shorter periods than usual. He is restless and restless; sudden attacks of crying and accidental exit from sleep, with a slight vomiting tendency, and even loosening the intestines, is not uncommon. Many of these symptoms typically precede the appearance of the tooth by several weeks and show the occurrence of the so-called “Tooth breeding”. In such cases, the symptoms disappear within a few days, only to reappear when the tooth approaches the surface of the gum.
Treatment: - caring for an infant in this case is quite simple and requires the intervention of a medical attendant. The child should be in the fresh air a lot and play sports well: the intestines should be kept freely open with castor oil, and always gently relaxed. Cold sponges are used daily. The surface of the body is rubbed dry with a rough flannel, like a delicate baby’s skin; friction is very useful. The breast should be given often, but not for a long time at a time; thus the thirst will be appeased, the gums will remain moist and relaxed, their irritation will be calmed, and the stomach will be overloaded. The mother should also pay close attention, at this time, to her health and diet, avoiding all stimulating foods or drinks.
From the very beginning of teething, pressing on the gums is pleasant for the baby, numbs allergies and relieves pain. For this purpose, coral, a piece of iris root, or a scraped licorice root are usually used; however, a flat ivory ring is safer and better, because there is no risk of pushing it into the eye or nose. A slight rubbing of the gums, too, by the nurse’s finger, is pleasant to the child; and as it seems to have a certain effect of calming irritation, it can be resorted to repeatedly. In France, it is very common to soak licorice root and other substances in honey or powdered sugar candy; in Germany, a small sachet containing a mixture of sugar and spices is given to the infant for sucking, whenever he is restless and uncomfortable during teething. However, the constant use of sweet and stimulating ingredients should harm the stomach and make their use extremely unacceptable.
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